10.0电影 · 2015 · 罗马尼亚 · 喜剧 爱情 喜电影
Cristina / Iacob / 德拉戈什·布库尔 / Mirela / Oprisor / Mimi / Branescu / Ionut / Bora / 拉卢卡·阿普罗杜 / Oltin / Hurezeanu / Raluca / Eftimie / Patricia / Poslusnic / Gabriela / Popescu / Ina / Georgiana / Tudor / Maria / Croitoru / Adrian / Hostiuc / Ducu / Darie / Diana / Stancu / Vlad / Zamfirescu /
Near by Christmas, in an old and charming town in Transylvania, Sebastian and Aprilia start a beauti
6.0电影 · 2016 · 罗马尼亚 · 惊悚 恐怖 恐怖电影
Bobby / Barbacioru / Peter / Dobson / Manuela / Harabor / Oltin / Hurezeanu / Florin / Kevorkian / Roxana / Luca / Louis / Mandylor / Bogdan / Marhodin / Natalia / Mateut / Valentin / Petrisor / Dimitrina / Zhivkova /
After a car accident and stranded in the middle of nowhere, an ex-con and his daughter find themselv
9.0电影 · 2020 · 美国 · 恐怖 恐怖电影
Tim / Vigil / J / Randall / Gustave / Whinnery / Laura / Meadows / Veronica / Farren / Margaux / Leigh / Hamilton / Jin / N. / Tonic / Randy / Oppenheimer / Tuesday / Grant / Tom / Newth / Haillye / Young / Miller / Kat / Rodriguez / Sean / Michael / Billings / Ismaele / Montone / Maggie / Nolting / Cassidy / Rose / Gyetvan / Jose / Acain / /
A group of lakeside visitors who are terrorised by an ancient vampiric evil.